web pay Data

Jantek’s Web Pay Data is designed for the branch manager, H.R. personnel, or small business owner to enter their employee’s pay data (such as hours worked and pay rate) at any time in the pay period in any time zone anywhere in the world through the Internet.

The headquarters supervisor, accountant, or payroll personnel are then able to approve and/or edit the data submitted. It is a companion module for Jantek’s 32-bit Jupiter 9.0 Time and Attendance System.

Jantek’s Web Pay Data delivers the performance and uptime required to meet the current and future demands of payroll, accountant data services, and e-business infrastructure applications for the Internet.

Software Features

All popular browsers including Internet Explorer, Mozilla FireFox or Safari may be used.

Managers or supervisors can directly enter pay data such as hours, pay rates, earnings or other dollar values, and deductions such as garnishments or uniform fees.

Designed to operate under Windows 8/8.1, Windows 10 and Linux network environments.